Not everyone can afford to pay high monthly premiums for a medical aid option. Individuals who are young, relatively healthy, and seldom need to cough up for doctor and dental visits may find it easy to cover their own day-to-day healthcare costs. For emergencies resulting in “big ticket” costs (such as hospital stays and procedures), however, every person needs to be adequately prepared. If you are looking for affordable hospital plans in South Africa, then you might be surprised to learn of all the benefits our MediCore option offers. We take a closer look at these benefits below and whether or not this option might be a good fit for you.
The MediCore Benefit Option
Our MediCore option is a cost-friendly plan that offers unlimited in-hospital cover through the Medshield Hospital Network. Certain hospital procedures are also paid at a higher rate – the Medshield Private Tariff of 200%. Although this option does not include day-to-day benefits, it is also best suited to individuals who can easily afford their own out-of-hospital expenses. This incudes but is not limited to young to middle-aged adults in good health that are seeking affordable hospital plans in South Africa usually find this option works well for them.
Major Medical In-hospital Benefits
This option has an unlimited overall annual limit and includes benefits such as:
- Medicine on discharge from hospital (limited to R300 per admission);
- Limited coverage for certain alternatives to hospitalisation, including physical rehabilitation, sub-acute facilities, nursing services, hospice care, or terminal care;
- General, medical, and surgical appliances (limited to PMB only);
- Medical practitioners’ visits and consultations while in hospital (up to 200% coverage).
- Pathology and medical technology;
- General radiology.
- Non-surgical procedures and tests;
- Mental health care.
It is important to note that the above is not an exhaustive list, and many benefits come with limits and prerequisites to keep in mind.
Ambulance Services
When seeking affordable hospital plans in South Africa, you want to ensure that you and your dependents have access to a 24-hour emergency helpline. Our plan offers this along with emergency medical response, telephonic medical advice, and transfer from the scene to the closest, most appropriate medical facility.
Chronic Medicine Benefits
Not all hospital plans in South Africa provide chronic medical benefits, but our MediCore option covers expenses for specified chronic diseases in need of ongoing or continuous medical treatment. To access this benefit, members must register and be approved on the Chronic Medicine Management Programme.
Maternity Benefits
Maternity-friendly plans are more costly than ever in South Africa, and finding an affordable hospital plan alleviates a lot of the financial pressure. The MediCore option offers maternity benefits during pregnancy, as well as at birth and post-pregnancy. Benefits include antenatal consultations, pregnancy-related scans and tests, and confinement and post-natal consultations.
Wellness Benefits
Our wellness benefits empower members to take their health into their own hands through various preventative screenings and procedures. These benefits include flu vaccinations, pap smears, Health Risk Assessments, child immunisations, and more.
For peace of mind that you and your family are covered in the case of an emergency, our affordable MediCore option is ideal. Contact us today for your quote.